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The following are some questions that customers often ask. You may also have similar questions.

  • How long does it usually take to edit?
    Once we have collected all the materials and requirements for the tutorial film, our team will immediately provide a quote and inform you of the estimated time of completion. Generally, it can be completed and delivered in 6 hours at the fastest.
  • What materials do I need to prepare for editing services?
    Handwriting tablets Avatar Other presentations (such as PowerPoint slides...)
  • 剪接服務除一般剪接,還包括什麼?
    按照老師的要求,我們還可以提供以下的附加要求: 插入「思考時間」(留白) 或「倒數時間」(計時) 插入 中文或英文字幕 插入 QR Code 讓學生掃描,以下載相關試題或教材 (其它特別要求,可向我們提出)
  • How many times can an edit be modified?
    After watching the first cut, you can enjoy two free revisions (based on video export)
  • Does the teacher need any special cooperation during the filming?
    Our team generally recommends two shooting methods: A. Electronic drawing board teaching method Teachers only need to sit in the classroom as usual, speak in front of a professional camera lens and audio equipment, pick up the corresponding electronic stylus, and write and teach on the iPad Pro / Surface Pro we provide. B. Blackboard teaching method Teachers only need to wear a lapel microphone to teach in the classroom as usual. Our camera team will shoot the content on the blackboard and the teacher's movements in split shots.
  • What should I pay attention to on the field?
    In order to achieve the best sound recording effect, we suggest that the school arrange a classroom with less noise for filming.
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