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AI Application Course: Generative AI Chatbot DIY - Teach you how to become an AI coach - Prompt Engineering

The goal of this workshop is to allow students to understand the basic knowledge of AI and learn how to train and use AI (ChatGPT) to improve their learning performance. Through practical operations, students can experience the capabilities of AI firsthand and understand its advantages and limitations in solving problems.

Course Overview



Suitable for elementary and middle school students who are interested in AI, technology or innovation. We welcome all students who are interested in learning about AI and exploring its possibilities.

After completing the workshop, students will be able to:
  • Master the basic knowledge and practical applications of AI

  • Effectively interact and train with ChatGPT

  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of AI in solving problems

  • Gain a deep understanding of AI applications by creating and implementing your own AI projects

• 產出成果

透過真實應用工具的操作,學生可快速創建個人化 AI 聊天機器人、UI 原型、3D 動畫、AI 圖像與影片等多份作品。

• 專業知識與持續探索

熟悉生成式 AI 的基本原理與操作後,學生更能激發好奇心,自發探索並應用於課業或創意專案,培養主動學習與跨領域思維。

• 大學科系關聯

透過掌握 AI 核心概念與操作經驗,學生可在未來攻讀人工智能、計算機科學、數據分析、設計等科系時更快上手,並接軌日益普及的 AI 主修或輔修課程。


The first Generative AI application design course in Hong Kong - teaching primary and secondary school students to understand and use AI early for effective learning and innovation

The course aims to allow students to understand the latest Generative AI and experience how to use ChatGPT. The in-depth part of the course will work with students to design the content of the AI prompt so that ChatGPT can have pre-set context and background information, so that users do not need to "educate" the AI again.

Learning objectives:

  1. Understand the basics of AI and ChatGPT We will introduce the basics of AI, with a special focus on OpenAI's ChatGPT model. Students will learn how this AI model works and how to interact with it.

  2. Learn to Write Effective Prompts Students will learn how to write effective prompts to train ChatGPT to answer specific subject matter questions. This will help students understand how to best use AI to support their learning.

  3. Practical Training of AI Students will actually operate and train ChatGPT to answer questions they encounter during the learning process. This will provide students with an opportunity to apply AI in practice.

  4. Evaluating the Strengths and Limitations of AI Through a human-AI challenge, students will be able to evaluate the strengths and limitations of ChatGPT for themselves. We will discuss the performance of AI in handling various learning problems and explore how to optimize its performance.

  5. Explore possible applications of AI We will discuss more possible applications of AI in learning and daily life, and let students think about how to integrate these technologies into their lives.

Workshop Outline:

Part One: Theoretical Foundations of Generative AI
  • Overview of AI Development

    • Starting from the history of AI, this paper introduces the evolution of Generative AI and further explores its application in today's society.

  • POE Demo and Trial

    • Let students experience various Generative AI engines, and design specific tasks for students to test and compare the advantages of each AI, and then explain the reasons behind this.

    • Allow students to discover the latest and most interesting AI bots and share them in class.

Part Two: Operational Practice and Principles
  • Practical Operation of ChatGPT

    • Through actual operation of ChatGPT, students can understand how it works and master basic skills.

Part Three: Advanced AI Dialogue Design
  • Lean Prompt Writing Workshop

    • Learn how to streamline prompts, remove redundancy, and maintain a clear communication purpose to improve the efficiency and accuracy of AI's responses.

Part Four: Personalized AI Application Development
  • Personalized Prompt Design Practices

    • Guide students to design personalized prompts based on specific situations, thereby creating targeted AI dialogue applications.

Part Five: AI in Industry Applications
  • Latest AI Technologies Showcase

    • Demonstrate how to apply the latest AI technologies in different industries, from financial services to healthcare application cases.

  • Business Use Case Analysis

    • Analyze in detail how these cases improve user experience, increase business efficiency, and give organizations a competitive advantage.

Part Six: Creative Thinking and Future Career Prospects
  • AI and Its Inspiration for Innovation

    • Explore how AI is unlocking new creative modes of thinking and preview how these technologies will shape the future of our work.

  • Career Planning

Discuss how to apply the skills learned in this workshop to future career paths and provide participants with industry insights and guidance.


Alex Godskit, KWOK

Alex Godskit, KWOK

Education Background:
- HKUST | MPhil. In Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship (2019 - 2022)
- HKUST | BBA in Global Business and Information System (2015 - 2019)

Working Experience:
- Product Strategy Manager | Code Free Soft Limited (2023 - now)
- Product Manager | (2022-23)

Entrepreneurship Experience:
- Founder & Director | Coxana Innovation Limited (INSPIRE®) (2018 - now)
- Co-founder & Strategy Advisor| AutoBright Car Company Limited (2020 - now)


• 工作坊加購顧問服務

– 為有意進階開發 AI 專案的學生或團隊提供額外一對一輔導及顧問支持。

• 校園活動攝影 / 錄影

– 為工作坊全程拍攝並剪輯精華片段,用作日後校內宣傳或紀錄。

• STEM Demo Day 支援

– 協助學校在大型展覽或開放日中設立 AI 創客攤位,讓更多學生及家長體驗 AI 工具。

• 設備與軟體採購諮詢

– 若學校或機構需要添置新的電腦、配件或 AI 軟體,我們可提供專業採購建議及團購。


  • 問:完全沒有 AI 或程式背景的學生是否能夠跟得上?

    答:可以。課程從基礎原理說明與實際操作開始,無需程式先修基礎,適合所有對 AI 有興趣的學生。

  • 問:需要準備什麼設備或安裝軟體?


  • 問:工作坊人數有限制嗎?

    答:建議每班不超過 20~25 人,以確保導師能個別指導並維持學習品質。



    中學IT創新實驗室計劃, 優質教育基金, 小學奇趣IT識多啲計劃

​與INSPIRE 團隊聯絡

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